Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back to School!!

Today was my first day of substitute work. It was fun. Surprisingly, I felt like a teacher again.

Working at school today was a treat. And, I am scheduled to work the next three days. Students were coming in for their class (thankfully it was a set of small classes) and other students were coming in just to say hello.

Other visitors included former colleagues who immediately wanted to know what "retirement" was like. I never had any idea that people could be so interested in somebody who had left their ranks, but it was nice to be welcomed back by some of my friends.

The real joy of the day was the instructional part of teaching history again. Second block was a quick lesson in party politics, political machines, Progressives, Capitalists and Socialists. Third block was a look at early colonization, England as the mother country and mercantilism. Honestly, since my retirement it was the first chance I have had to be intellectual. Sure, I am doing crossword puzzles and never hesitate to hold a conversation with friends. But this was different.

The attempt to get through the natural barrier that students erect and then tapping into their seat of knowledge was a challenge, and one that I enjoyed.


Speaking of school, it was also a treat to see progress on the new building. The last time I visited was about a month ago and to be honest I never thought that so much could be accomplished in so little time.

The last time I visited school in early August I don't believe any of the construction that was necessary for the start of this school year was completed. On top of that furniture and supplies had to be moved into place, cleanup was a necessity, rooms needed numbered and conveniences such as telephones and Internet needed to be installed.

Now all of that work isn't done. But enough was finished to get school off to a reasonably smooth start and even the colleagues I have left behind feel as good about the start of school as they can considering the trials and tribulations they have been through to get it underway.

My kudos to each and everyone that contributed to that effort.

And my special wishes to the seniors who, for the first time in their high school careers, have tile on the ceilings and floors of the rooms where their secondary education is taking place!

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